
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My next field placement

On the bus ride back from Tallahassee, I got a call from one of our field placement staff. She wanted to speak with me about a possible match for my next placement. I mentioned to her that I was interested in working with victims of domestic violence and/or their children (play therapy, etc). She told me about an agency that provides group counseling to victims of family violence, and also provides childcare for the children during meeting times (play therapy). This service provides:

  • Crisis Intervention, safety planning and assessment of family needs
  • Linkages with shelters, relocation and/or other community resources
  • Therapeutic support groups for adult victims, their teens and young children
  • Childcare available for children under six during group sessions
  • Meals for children prior to group and limited transportation available
  • Individual therapy for adult victims and their children
  • Support and advocacy in dealing with the criminal justice system - court appearances, restraining orders, etc.
  • Assist with Victims’ Compensation claims and Address Confidentiality Program
  • A program that provides therapeutic art activities to children & teens. The program is working on a film project to promote healthy relationships and keeping kids gang-free.
  • A program that allows teens to enhance self esteem, team building skills and to promote healthy lifestyles through gardening
  • Collaboration with other agencies to promote healthy teen relationships to prevent intimate partner violence.

I would definitely love to work with teens. They hold group sessions on Tues/Weed evenings, so I would definitely be working those nights. Thankfully, my classes are Mon nights and Thursday afternoons. At this time, that is all I know. I am supposed to talk with another field placement staff member early next week, since she works very closely with the agency and knows a lot more about it.

While I am not afraid of learning, I feel completely unprepared to do any sort of group counseling, or individual therapy, for that matter! I feel at a disadvantage because 1) I don't have any therapeutic experience, and 2) My field placement this past year was not clinical in the same way that these types of programs are, and 2) I only had one group experience. I may try to see if I can attend some groups in the community this summer, and do some reading myself...

1 comment:

  1. We had a couple people in my placement that had no therapeutic experience, and they did fine. I think so many of the skills we learn as social workers prepare us for the work in ways we never expected. ESPECIALLY group work (which rules).
